Monday, 1 July 2019

Concert and Renovations

June 2019

Concert and Renovations

June was a busy month both at the training ground and at the stadium. After the concert at the stadium, the renovations followed immediately. A 40 day grow-in is the challenge.

The concert ran smoothly with very little disturbance to the pitch levels. They are measured by a surveyor before and after the event to see if there has been any problems. The biggest difference was 20mm in a few places but this is corrected during the renovation with dressing and aeration. 

Once the concert is over and the stage has been dismantled, the pitch is walked and all the metal work such as screws, pins and clips are picked up so they don't go through the machines and cause a break down during the renovation, or get pushed into the pitch to reappear during the season. 

The stage was dismantled three days after the concert, so we were straight in there on Tuesday 11th June. 

With a concert being held in the summer, this shortens our grow in time before the stadium pitch's first use, which will be on the 25th July for the open day, weather depending..
In an ideal world I would choose to have 8 weeks to grow the pitch in. As the club is a business and other events take place during the off season, this is something we have to work around. It does make you think about the best products to put down and make sure an application isn't missed. It focus's your mind!
As it turns out, our first fixture is away from home so, excluding the training session on open day, there is almost 8 weeks to grow the pitch in. 

Fortunately, during June we can get quick germination. I seeded on Sunday 16th of June and the first signs of green was on Friday 21st June with it's first cut 5 days later. it has had 4 short waters per day and granular fertiliser applied straight after seeding and an application of Qualibra wetting agent to hold the moisture in and move it even through the profile. 

Seeding drill lines, one of three directions

Germination after 4 days
The first bio stimulant spray with molasses and seaweed and some more nitrogen was made on the 28th June, less than two weeks after it was seeded. I'm really pleased with the progress and I think it is, so far, the quickest establishment we have had in recent years.

First biostimulant spray 12 days after seeding

The pitch will be continued to be pushed through July to be as dense as possible going into the training session towards the end of July. As soon as it is strong enough, the pitch will be aerated to encourage root development.

At the training ground, some pitches have grown in and others are still at different stages. The academy are starting to come back along with the professional squads having been in for a week or so now. 

first team training pitch before their return
The other areas are coming along nicely. We have had some turf at the front entrance of the training ground laid and the new lawn which was renovated a couple of months ago is thickening up and has improved the appearence around the building and front of the 3G pitch no end. We are gradually reducing the height and will move on to cutting with a cylinder mower at around the height of 13mm in the next week or two. It will then have a light top dressing of sand to help iron out and levels and will be re dressed every few weeks until we are happy. 

Before we know it, the season will be here and all of the hard work of the summer renovations will be worth it seeing the pitches used.